Speculative Landscapes was a collective art research project emerging from Custom Food Lab that explored the potential for being otherwise in landscapes. It was sited in the unique coastal landslides of The Warren in Folkestone (UK) which we speculatively occupied as a place for collectively imagining a regenerative institution.
A landslide and site of rare geological interest on the border between the UK and France, the Folkestone Warren presents an opportunity for readings of potential institutions of the future. Subject to multiple complex relationships of dependence and invasion, it is one of the most active landslides in Britain. It is also one of the most surveyed: monitored and observed for shifts in climate, erosion, geology and is said to have been one of the first geological explorations in Europe. The landslide originates 40 meters underground, an earthly reality that is controlled through vast terraforming projects and monitored on the surface. Through Speculative Landscapes, the Warren was explored as a hovering network of geological stories, vast underground reserves of disruption, knowledges, journeys, loves and memories, spread across and below like a blanket of tangled plants that inhabit the landscape – goosegrass, knotweed, sea beets, sour fig, brambles and ivy, exploring relationality on scales from the atomic to the interplanetary.
Cherry Truluck (b. 1981 London, UK) is an artist and researcher (formally trained as an architect) living and working out of Folkestone and Frome, UK. Through her own work and as director of Custom Food Lab, she seeks to rethink ecological strategies for commensality and sharing space.
Madeleine Collie (b. 1978, Australia) is an academic, artist and curator who lives between Folkestone, UK and Melbourne, Australia. She was the curator of the award winning The Ash Project from 2016-2019.
Marta Fernández Calvo (b. 1978, Rioja, Spain) is a Spanish artist based in Madrid. She works with food, love, and care and has been awarded numerous prizes for her work both nationally and internationally and has taken part in many international artist residencies.
Rubiane Maia (b. 1979, Vitoria, Brazil) is a Brazilian visual artist based between Folkestone, UK and Vitoria, Brazil. An award winning writer in Portuguese, her artwork is a hybrid practice across performance, video, installation and text, occasionally flirting with drawing and collage.
*For two years this collective met regularly developing research, readings, workshops, prototypes, poetic actions, etc.
Design Dreams by Rubiane Maia

The Warren as border
Historically, borders have always been areas of conflict, monitoring and control. In the United Kingdom, which is bordered by the ocean, it is no different. The entire coastline is surrounded by a protection and surveillance field. Inserting a frame in this introduction, there is ‘The Warren’ a nature reserve between the towns of Folkestone and Dover, and facing the sea that separates England from France. We are talking about one of the closest points to the European continent, which, despite its smallness, lends it a particular strategic importance in the larger zone of alertness. A simple walk in the area causes the mobile phone to oscillate between no signal, English signal or French signal. If at first moment what we see is a beautiful beach with an interesting biodiversity, quickly the concrete platforms and the residues of military objects/instruments integrated with nature cause strangeness and curiosity. There, the human presence played, (and still plays), different roles. In this specific context, we should mention the numerous layers of history that inform and make up this area: the construction of the Eurotunnel, which deposited tons of earth taken from the seabed; the existence of a monumental concrete mirror that was built to serve as a sound tracking device for bombers during the First World War; the intense maritime and commercial traffic that connects the United Kingdom to the continent; the flow of illegal immigrants trying to reach the English coast by small boats, and even by swimming; smuggling and drug trafficking, etc. So, when we decided to think and research about this place, we are at the same time proposing to drive closely and critically toward the mechanisms of an institutional systemic tangle that represents many codes and interests to the state. However, as there are many layers of time united in a kind of wild organicity, we believe it is possible to find a small cracks, clues and contradictions that escape the macro-political logic.

Intuitive Practices to Speak with Landscapes

by Instructions
Marta Fernández Calvo for Rubiane Maia:
I would like to ask you to go to The Warren in the early morning to dig a hole in the ground.
After it, you must bury one of your arms there.
Look to the sea.

the head wakes up whirling to the sound of an alarm which wasn’t set
at twilight one never knows whether one is half zombie
half cyborg or half ghost
the memory jumps in lapses
dream and reality can hardly be separated
so many things can emerge from a dark room:
rest - party - nightmare
the clock is ticking:
torture - bird song - trivialities - -
the machinal eye of a camera becomes my first mirror
an infinity mirror
we meet daily, without saying good morning
three stretched bodies along a horizontal line, barely breathing
time is a blurred parameter
standing up, life goes on
the floor supports bewildered bodies
a warm cup of tea pours through the mouth hole,
slowly descending into the bag of the stomach
density, balance and a state of well being surround the solar plexus
the neck slowly moves, looking for clearer directions
neither half zombie nor half cyborg, not even half ghost
an animal, and nothing more
into how many beings can we multiply?
looking for comfort, my back asks for a larger bag
i throw objects into a big backpack
with the door half open, i wait for the future surprises to come
the sun comes in with its blind light
nobody but me crosses the street
the holes are everywhere
merging with the architecture,
camouflaging themselves into the landscape
i guess not all of them would be willing to receive my arm
i draft a mental plan to dig my own hole with a garden shovel
as dawn shed its golden light:
cold breeze - a few people - -
boats parked on the sand - -
sweat drips in droplets over my body
drawing a map,
offering directions
what once appeared to be predictable becomes extraordinary
impressive, precisely for being so common
i walk across the golf course:
there are more holes
i walk by the emptiness of the vacant buildings,
i smell the moisture of the earth under the grass
the shallow breath becomes deeper
a subtle pleasure,
a familiar emotion
such a physical sensation cannot help
but bring me back childhood memories
i am at the border,
along the invisible scar which defines where in this world our bodies should be placed
by the seashore, the waves draw a line made of water
further beyond, the vast expanse of the horizon
my bare feet sink into the cool moisture of the sand
i thread slowly so as to show some respect
algae fluctuates around me
perhaps digging holes is the same as opening portals,
i envision the possibility of making leaks in every border in the world
i evoke the machines operating in the fantastic journeys to the center of the earth
the underground movements
a breaking wave brings me back to the present moment
i know everything is bound to disappear in the face of the sea
i try not to create expectations,
but the image of my grandmother from my father’s side draws itself in my head
i don’t know how she looks like,
i was only a baby when i last saw her
i listen to a choir of voices describing her face
the hole, the hole,
i have barely moved and it is already opening
i start digging
this alive, softened, mysterious, pebbly surface
It swallows my hand even before i can go deeper,
we caress one another
life made both of us rough, for different reasons
the sea gently reaches us
soaking - dismantling - rearranging everything - -
of course, i was not given permission to dig, yet
i wait
being here is not only up to me, after all
slowly, the water withdraws
i give thanks
i restart digging,
i remove a portion of sand with both hands,
trying to get swiftly inside the cavity
it doesn’t work
the surface slides and closes itself around my fingers,
nothing but a shallow-hole
a tiny puddle sheltering my hand
i breathe
i rehearse an artificial tranquility
so as to curb my desire to control
in my mind i reorganize the instructions
so as to give them the status of magic
nothing here should be understood as an order, but as a happening
i look at the horizon, which remains there:
blue - unshakable - whole - -
i touch the sand,
yes, we are playing
i offer some rest to the (always so efficient) right hand
from now on the left one leads the game
hand - wrist - forearm - elbow - arm - -
how far can we go together?
now it’s only us and the secret of the deep holes
the left hand dig itself on its own,
gaining depth
the hole grows without the emptiness at its core
which would never appear
all that is there to be seen is arm - sand - salty water - -
occasionally, small stones
i change the position of the body due to curiosity, not discomfort
the faith shown by the left hand surprises me
its sense of inability never turns into an obstacle,
it is hard-working and silent
the soft wind lets me know i could remain there for hours
the sea goes further away every minute
i find myself with a sudden desire to bury both my arms,
as i imagine my body on the floor embracing the cosmos
the memory of a young woman who had both her arms amputated
strikes me with a nearly hallucinatory reaction
we are all susceptible to losing one of our body parts
the right hand, until now asleep, awakens
i request it to throw some more sand
over my half buried arm
the hole extends upwards
taking the form of a small volcano with an obstructed crater
inside, warm - red - pulsating lava: blood
from now on, i have an arm embedded in this land
i close my eyes, and there i remain
a cabeça acorda rodopiando ao som de um alarme não programado
no crepúsculo nunca dá pra saber bem se a gente é meio zumbi
meio ciborgue ou meio fantasma
a memória tem lapsos
sonho e realidade não estão exatamente separados
de um quarto escuro pode emergir tantas coisas:
descanso - festa - pesadelo - -
do tic tac do relógio:
tortura - canto de pássaro - banalidades - -
o olho máquina de uma câmera é o meu primeiro espelho
um espelho infinito
nos encontramos diariamente sem dizer bom dia
somos três corpos estirados na horizontal que apenas respiram
o tempo é um parâmetro difuso
de pé, a vida segue
o chão ampara os corpo atordoados
uma xícara de chá morna entra pelo buraco da boca
e desce lentamente até o saco do estômago
densidade, temperança e um estado de bem estar envolve a região do plexo solar
o pescoço se move lentamente em busca de direções mais definidas
nem meio zumbi, nem meio ciborgue, nem meio fantasma
apenas bicho
quantos serão os múltiplos de nós mesmos?
o conforto das costas pede uma bolsa maior
arremesso os objetos dentro de uma mochila grande
espero o porvir e suas surpresas com a porta semi-aberta
o sol entra e a luz cega
ninguém além de mim atravessa a rua
os buracos estão em toda parte
eles se fundem na arquitetura
se camuflam na paisagem
penso que nem todos aceitariam o meu braço
elaboro um plano mental de como cavar meu próprio buraco com uma pá de jardim
na luz dourada do amanhecer:
brisa fria - poucas pessoas - -
barcos estacionados sobre a areia - -
gotícula de suor escorrem pelo meu corpo
elas traçam um mapa,
oferecem direções
o que parecia previsível vai se tornando extraordinário
e de tão comum, grandioso
atravesso o campo de golfe:
mais buracos
caminho pelo vazio do espaços desocupados
sinto o cheiro da terra úmida sob a grama
a respiração curta ganha profundidade
um prazer discreto,
uma emoção familiar
uma sensação física que inevitavelmente
me conduz a certas memórias da infância
estou na fronteira,
essa cicatriz invisível que define o lugar dos nossos corpos no mundo
à beira mar, ondas formam uma linha d’água
adiante, o horizonte extenso
descalça afundo o pé na areia molhada e fria
piso devagar pra demonstrar respeito
algas flutuam ao meu redor
talvez, cavar buracos seja o mesmo que abrir portais,
vislumbro a possibilidade de esburacar todas as fronteiras do mundo
evoco as máquinas que operam nas fantásticas viagens ao centro da Terra
o movimento subterrâneo
o quebrar de uma onda me traz de volta ao agora
eu sei que diante do mar tudo está destinado a desaparecer
tento não criar expectativas,
mas a imagem da minha avó paterna se desenha na minha cabeça
não sei como ela é,
só a vi quando, ainda, era um bebê
ouço um coro de vozes que a descreve
o buraco, o buraco,
eu nem me movi e ele já está se abrindo
começo a cavar,
uma superfície viva, amolecida, granulada e misteriosa
ela absorve a minha mão antes que eu possa ir fundo,
acariciam uma a outra
ambas ásperas por diferentes razões da própria vida
o mar gentilmente nos alcança
encharca - desmancha - muda tudo de lugar - -
claro, ainda, não tenho permissão de cavar
estar aqui não é apenas sobre mim
aos poucos, a água se afasta
recomeço a escavação
afasto uma parte da areia com as mãos,
tento me introduzir rapidamente na cavidade
não funciona
a superfície desliza e se fecha ao redor dos meus dedos
um buraco-raso
uma pequena poça que abriga a minha mão
ensaio uma tranquilidade superficial
para conter o meu desejo de controle
reorganizo mentalmente a instrução
dou ela o status de magia
nada aqui é do campo da ordem, e sim do acontecimento
olho para o horizonte que continua lá:
azul - pleno - intacto - -
toco na areia,
sim, é uma brincadeira
ofereço descanso à mão direita (sempre tão eficaz),
a esquerda passa a protagonizar o jogo
mão - pulso - antebraço - cotovelo - braço - -
quão fundo nós podemos ir juntos?
nós e o segredo dos buracos profundos
sem alarde,
a mão esquerda vai se enterrando sozinha
ganhando fundura
o buraco cresce sem o vazio central
que nunca aparece
tudo que se vê é braço - areia - água salgada - -
ocasionalmente, pequenas pedras
mudo a posição do corpo por curiosidade, não por desconforto
a fé da mão esquerda me surpreende
seu senso de inabilidade não se torna um impedimento
ela trabalha duro e em silêncio
o vento suave me avisa que eu posso estar ali por horas
o mar se torna mais distante a cada minuto
subitamente tenho o desejo de enterrar os dois braços
e imagino o meu corpo sobre o chão abraçando o cosmos
a lembrança de uma moça com os dois braços completamente amputados
me provoca uma reação alucinatória
estamos todos suscetíveis a perder alguma parte do corpo
a mão direita adormecida, desperta
solicito que ela despeje mais areia sobre o braço
que está enterrado até a metade
o buraco se estende para cima,
ganha a forma de um pequeno vulcão com a cratera entupida
dentro, a lava quente - e pulsante: vermelho-sangue.
agora, eu tenho um braço cravado neste território
fecho os olhos, e permaneço ali